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   And that is how Vis started his career, first with Ida, then slowly Damir took over (well, it was a bit hard for her with a tiny baby :)). Damir was new in agility and at the beginning he did all the training (he was luckily training with Alen Mareković at the time). Nobody of us knew back then how this arrangement will work out, but when Vis started competing I slowly took him to more and more competitions and at one point, we started to win. I started training him more and more and after a huge struggle to get to A2 (always that one bar), we went from A2 to A3 very quickly (even Damir did the last clean agy in A2) and immediately he kicked ass in A3. In the mean time we managed to place 2nd in the Amadeus Cup final, in American knockout (we got beaten by Anne Lenz and her amazing Chi) and from that moment on it was just a fact - Vis and I were also a match made in heaven.

   Vis is a type of dog that has so much drive it overcomes everything else. When he is working, he becomes a machine. He is quite easy to train and he introduced me to the wonders of training a border collie, which unlike a CS, actually repeats the same behavior on competitions. His results in agility speak for themselves, and he takes your breath away while running, he really gives 110% every time because for him there is no other way and with this amazing head of his he overcomes any physical disadvantage he might have (well those bunny legs could be longer :D). He is also a great and efficient SAR dog, but at home you barely notice he is there. He is nice with other dogs and children (since Ida and Damir have already 2 kids today :D) and really low maintenance.

   Mawlch Wisp, or Vis, as we call him, was in a way my ticket into space. I would need much more lines to describe him then an average person is willing to read, so I guess I will try to keep it short. He is my borrowed bunny. Bunny because, well, he moves a bit like a bunny, not always aware of his hind legs which sort of just hang in there and follow the rest of the body, and borrowed because, well, he is. His owners are Ida and Damir Freškura, my dear friends with whom I go way back and I shared a lot of great moments in SAR work with Ida. When her previous dog (5 years old German Shepherd) unfortunately passed (way to soon, from bowel carcinoma), she was expecting a baby and Vis was sort of a spur of the moment decision for them. We all adored his mother Lynn and I have had a pleasure to personally meet the father Gwen and the combination seemed like a possible divine match (which is exactly what it turned out to be) so they decided to take the puppy, to do a bit of agility and SAR work. From the very beginning we had sort of an agreement that I could run him a bit when he will be old enough to compete since they will not have the time to go to any bigger or international competitions.

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